Simple music app for ios 8
Simple music app for ios 8
Ever since Apple made the poor decision to kill cover flow my satisfaction with iTunes has been limited. So glad this app gives such a great presentation. It would be nice to be able to overlay lyrics. Also wish it wasnt as easy to accidentally change song ratings within the app. Maybe a preferences option to lock ratings? Would love to see a Mac compatible player with cover flow so I could upgrade my Macs OS. Right now I am stuck in the past on my Mac because I love the coverflow view on iTunes 10 on the last two OS releases do not support iTunes 10.
I would rather use equalizer over this. For the features its not worth the $5 dollars
Eye candy, very little functionality. No settings screen, poorly designed.
For some reason, the latest update messed up the song listing on albums. Every time I tap on a song or album I wanted to hear, the song plays but I cant see the whole list until I either swipe down or up and then I see the list. Thats really annoying! Fix this!
I am happy with this app because it gives you the same audio Quality than Apple player but what makes this one different is that you can give a better sound to your headphones customizing the equalizer as you like. What is more this player has a really confortable way to use it and it looks very good.
Why offer nearly no scrubbing function? You have to be able to fastforward or rewind. I really like this app but you have to redesign the scrubbing function. Also- I have an iPhone 5s and launching the application takes forever.... 10 seconds to load is counterproductive!!!!! Please update it and make it snappier!!